Sneak Peek!

Well, here it is my sneak peek picture.  As usual, I took this during blocking so the yellow, and one green, dots are pins.  This will be out late this year.  I always wish I could show you more, but editors don’t approve of having all the surprises of upcoming publications given away, so you have to settle for a little snippet.  What do you gals/guys think?

This week I have to finish up writing the pattern, mail this one off, send in another submission, catch up on household things, prepare for a birthday party, and get back to a project that I put on hold to work on this one.  And of course, take care of my kiddos, and keep the house reasonably clean.

Just a few days ago I got the dates and place for next year’s CGOA conference.  It is July 27-31 in Minneapolis, MN.  I think there is a 95% chance that I will be going.  I might even have a free plane ticket thanks to Mr AC’s frequent flyer points.  However, I’ve committed myself to getting more design ideas submitted so that I’ll be sure to make enough to pay for the trip even without the plane ticket, as he may need to use it to visit family soon.  Are any of you hoping to make it to the conference?  I sure would love to meet up with any of my blog readers while there!

Happy crocheting!

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