Bella Dress – Crochet Me
Bella Dress – Crochet Me(click link to go to and see a picture)
Well, I have not personally done a lot of crocheting this week. After finishing something with a deadline, I usually have to ease off for a while and catch up on other things. I have to pour a lot of my free time and not-so-free time into finishing the item and the pattern in only 3 weeks. So, instead of seeing something I made this week, I’ll show you the Bella Dress that is being/was made by Interweave Crochet Associate Editor Toni Rexroat. I think the yarn is dark purple, though it looks black in the picture when viewed on my computer. You can find this in the “Work In Progress” gallery on There are also a few people on Ravelry that have made them. I am going to try to post pictures of these on the blog and Facebook as I get permission from the crafters. So, we’ll start with this one.
I would love to hear from any of you about what you are up to with crochet lately.
Happy stitching!