Spare Hooks
I squeeze crochet into every possible spare moment. So, when hubby and I are going somewhere together he drives, and I crochet. Tonight we were going to a church meeting together and I grabbed a project bag to take with me. However, I forgot my hook. Arrgghh! I was very dismayed at losing some precious crocheting time. However, we were running late, so there was no time to run back and get it. So began a discussion about spare crochet hooks. I have now determined that I need to keep an extra set in my car, ooh! no, both cars, and my purse. So, I was telling Mr. AC this. After a moment’s contemplation he came up with the best idea yet….”Maybe you could sew a little pocket into your bra and keep one with you all the time…” Well, we are both laughing as I type this. This is obviously funny on many levels. Especially if you know my husband. However, I kind of think it’s not a bad idea… 🙂
Goodnight everyone!

Very pretty. Can't wait to see it in person. What happens if mom reads the blog before you give it to her?
I actually already showed it to her. I figured I would have to work on it this weekend while we were visiting Pompom if I wanted to get it done. So, she's already seen it. Thanks!
Bwa-ha-ha-ha…too funny!
Just remember to remove it before you fly or go into a federal building! You could be spending a lot of time trying to explain! LOL