Design Submission Finally Finished!
Well, it has been a full 10 days since my last post. Sorry, it’s been a little boring lately. However, I did reach a milestone this evening. I finally finished this submission package that I have been working on for the last few weeks. Now, I can dive back in to the design project I was working on before I started on this. This design gig is difficult. I have very limited time in which to work on projects, I’m not nearly as organized as I ought to be, I am flying by the seat of my pants (aka, learning as I go) when it comes to both design and accounting (the part of this that I dislike most), and there is so much waiting…I really don’t like waiting. I am still waiting to know about my last two design submissions. However, I still love doing it. So, I just keep going, hoping that I don’t mess up the accounting stuff too badly, and frogging and fixing my design mistakes as I work on things.
For instance, the project that I am just about to get back to…Several rows ago I made some decreases that left comparatively large holes in the fabric in a place that would definitely show. I DETEST ripping back, so I just kept going, rationalizing that it wouldn’t be all that noticeable….and then, a few nights ago, I finally gave in to that nagging voice inside of me, telling me to go back and fix it. I ripped out several rows of work, went back, changed the way the decrease was worked to fill in the holes, and then I had to make changes to the written pattern as well, for several rows. I’m still not back to where I was, but the design will be better for my ripping and re-doing. Next time hopefully that nagging voice will convince me more quickly to make the change so that it isn’t so involved and time-consuming.
Also, International Crochet Day is coming up on Sept. 12. My friend Jimbo (who makes exquisite wooden crochet hooks) is hosting a contest via his blog for the occasion. You should definitely go check it out! I will be doing a giveaway on my blog as well for International Crochet Day, stay tuned…
Until then, happy crocheting!