How Do You Sew a Sweater Together?

You might wonder, how do you sew a sweater together?
If you’ve never made a sweater, or you are making one for the first time you may be wondering, how do you sew a sweater together? Check out the video below and I’ll show you each step in the process. My sweater is crochet. Is your sweater knit? No problem. The process is the same.
First you will want to choose a sweater pattern and make the pieces of your sweater. I suggest my Stigler Sweater, which is the sweater you will see in this video. You can get the free pattern for this women’s crochet sweater on my blog. Click here.
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Table of Contents
Once your pieces are all made, watch the video below and see how to seam the pieces of your sweater together step by step. You will need more of your sweater yarn and a yarn needle.
Do you like the clips that you are seeing in this video? You can get those from Annie’s here.
The first seams you will need to work on are your side seams and sleeve length seams, if your sleeves were not worked in the round. For these I suggest a hand-sewn mattress stitch. It makes a nice flat seam with minimal bulk on the inside. When sewing shoulder seams in knitting and crochet, I like to use a backstitch, as this provides a sturdy, solid seam to hold the weight of your whole sweater. For sewing knitted or crochet sleeve seams together, I suggest whip stitching. it’s easy, quick, and flexible, which you will want so that you have good mobility.
How do you sew a sweater together video tutorial

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Happy crocheting!

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