How to Change Colors in the Round in Crochet

Learn how to change colors in the round in crochet
When you crochet circles or granny squares we call this working in the round. In this tutorial I will teach you how to change colors in the round in crochet.
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Table of Contents
What crochet projects require changing colors in the round?
We work in the round anytime we begin and end our rows in the same spot. When we work in the round, we call each row of work a “round” instead of a row. You may notice in some patterns that rather than label each line of instructions as Row 1, Row 2, etc, it will say Rnd 1, Rnd 2, etc. Rnd is the abbreviation for round. If you see this in your pattern, you are working in the round.
The video below is specifically demonstrating a color change when the rounds are joined at the end with a slip stitch. So we are learning how to change colors in the round.
Sometimes we work in the round and join the end and beginning by just placing the first stitch of the next round into the first stitch of the round beneath. Color changes can be difficult in these projects because they make a jog at the join rather than creating a smooth line between the colors all the way around the piece.
This tutorial won’t address that situation. Here we are talking more about color changes in motifs and granny squares. So the technique taught here will be perfect for any motif or granny square that has color changes in it.
As an example, my summer crochet coaster pattern, Pennant Coasters, uses this technique to change colors in the round. These coasters use red, white, and blue to slightly resemble an American flag for the fourth of July. Of course, if you aren’t from the US, you can change the colors to match your own flag.

So how do you change colors in the round?
When you change colors in the round, you will make the color change at the very end of the round you’re making in the first color. When you work the last stich of the round before the color change, you’ll pause when you have the last two loops of the stitch on your hook.

At this point you would yarn over and pull that through the last two loops. Instead, you will yarnover with your new color and pull that through the last two loops. That finishes the crochet stitch, but surprisingly, it doesn’t change the color of the stitch. That loop of new color is going to become your joining slip stitch.
Now you’ll make your joining slip stitch by inserting your hook through the top of the first stitch of the round, yarning over, and pulling that loop through the stitch and the loop on your hook. Now you’ll make your turning chain and begin the next round in your new color. And that is how to change colors in the round.
Changing colors in the round tutorial video
The video below will show you how to change colors in the round as you make crochet motifs and granny squares.
That finishes up this tutorial about how to change colors in the round in crochet. What project are you working on? I’d love to see it! If you want to share it with me you can share it on Instagram and tag me, or you can join my Facebook group and share it there. I’ll see it in either place.
Happy stitching!

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