Adopt a Designer
I follow the blog of crochet designer Robyn Chachula, who is the first designer to have really inspired me to begin designing myself. She doesn’t know me, and I have never met her, but I have admired her designs in my two favorite magazines: Interweave Crochet and Crochet Today. I have also been following her blog for quite awhile.
Just recently she found a case of someone stealing her work by posting free copies of one of her patterns for all of her friends through her blog. This is a violation of copyright laws and is hurtful to the designer who makes very little money for her time. So, she had a great idea! Instead of getting angry she is encouraging all crafters to “Adopt A Designer.” Here are her suggestions for how to adopt a designer:
“1. Buy a pattern from your favorite designer. Most patterns are just a few dollars, so the commitment is really minimal. Then don’t forget to tell your friends where they can buy the pattern too.
2. Tweet/ Facebook about a project you are making and include a link to the designers website. Designers have to take like to promote themselves, so taking a minute to tweet for them can really help.
3. Write a review of one of your favorite craft books including a link to the designer’s website and where to buy the book. Even though some designers do not get royalties on their books, by including a link to their website will help them with advertising that they could greatly use.
4. Buy a piece of artwork or jewelry from them on Etsy then tweet or blog about it. A number of really talented designers are over on Etsy and just taking the time to tell them you care can go a mile.
5. Talk them up at your local yarn store or crochet group. Most designers sell their patterns to yarn stores too, so just by telling your LYS that you love them can really help. LYS owners are super busy people too and do not have time to hunt down new (or new to them) designers, so you are helping both.
6. Take a class. A lot of designers teach online and off. Teaching is a real help to their income, so go a ahead. Plus you get to learn something new, and who doesn’t like that.”
Well, I am adopting Robyn Chachula by telling you what an amazing designer she is. I wish I had a picture to post of one of her patterns. However, you can click here to see one of my favorites of hers from a recent issue of Interweave Crochet magazine, and click here to get to an e-store where you can buy her book “Blueprint Crochet.” Who will you adopt as your designer?